
1st March 2017 – 10minute Yoga Sequence for a Better Night’s Sleep

It might have been a busy or stressful day that’s keeping you awake at night, excitement about the day ahead (or just too many sweets / sugar before bedtime!). Whatever the cause, a sleepless night can be very disruptive to your life.
Here’s four yoga poses you can do just before bedtime – they’ll only take 10minutes but could lead to a long night’s sleep……
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1.Legs up                 2. Reclined Pidgeon                   3. Supine Twist                     4. Seated forward
the wall                     pose                                                                                         fold
Any questions about how to get into these poses and postures, come early to class or stay behind and and any of our instructors would be happy to talk you through these.
On that note………goodnight all …………